Never used china

Only for show

So how could you

Ever really know

About that crack

Right in its core?


Or all that dust collecting underneath

That tiny perfect teacup sitting atop

That tiny perfect plate

With tiny perfect hand paintings

Woven delicately and perfectly


the imperfect spaces

of that spiderweb crack?

Spreading from within


like a cancer

growing in that unseen dark


That perfect little plate and its

Perfect little mate

Are two broken pieces

Of a set otherwise ornate


Hiding their shame

Behind closed doors

Fooling the others into thinking

They too belong, right there


In a cabinet full of shiny things

(mistaken for love)

Like beauty and pride


Quietly embarrassed of the other

Of what’s woven delicately and perfectly


their shared imperfect spaces

of that spiderweb crack


Quietly needing the other

To conceal their scars

In that darkness

woven delicately and perfectly


their imperfect spaces

of their spiderweb crack

(Or something a lot more like love)


On the Fringes of Happiness: Stop Doing That, Start Doing This


The Most Relatable Haiku